ChatterBean was my first personal, open-ended, open-source project. In 2006 I stopped working on it due to lack of time, dissatisfaction with the results of my own efforts, and a growing disillusionment with the chat bot paradigm as a whole (more about that in a future post). Then in 2007 I started my MSc course on artificial vision, prompting a change in research interests – from abstract rule-based to real-world statistical systems – that buried any lingering hopes that I would resume my work on chat bots.
ChatterBean was abandoned before it could stand on its own either as a user application or developer framework; despite that, to this day I receive requests from programmers intending to use it as a basis for their own projects. Since the original project page went away along with Geocities, there has been no way to get the project's code other than asking me directly, but now I have uploaded the last source package to Google Sites.
The package contains the Java sources, AIML scraps used in the automated tests, and a copy of the project page as way of documentation. ChatterBean is (was?) licensed under the GPL, so it's pretty much open for whatever you might want to do with it.
Have fun.